Chapter 31. Purgatory

 Chapter 31. Purgatory

Earth is not benevolent, so neither is Heaven.

    Before life and death, everyone is equal, perhaps this is the only fair point in this unfair human society.

    No matter how you compose your own poem between life and death, whether it is magnificent or ordinary, at the final end, it is the cessation symbol represented by death.

    Xiao Xiao was like a bystander, watching the news that the strange astronomical landscape was urgently released three days before the total solar eclipse.

    The reason is that Xiao Xiao sent an eight-character text message to Gu Chen from her mobile phone when the team returned.

    "The day of the solar eclipse is the beginning of the catastrophe."

    These eight words are Xiao Xiao's last helping hand. She never mentioned the catastrophe until less than a month left before throwing it to Gu Chen, so she kept Gu Chen all the time.

    But Xiao Xiao believes that the words have been made very clear.

    Originally, the fortifications would not be delayed so late, but since the earthquake predicted by Xiao Xiao happened frequently in the last two months, the project was delayed for another month before it was completed.

    After passing this sentence, Xiao Xiao made herself disappear completely. Gu Chen knew that Xiao Xiao had probably stayed in her fortress and would not come out without other accidents.

    "Really..." Gu Chen was also frightened by Xiao Xiao's words. After all, he didn't know anything about the system, so he didn't know that Xiao Xiao knew the source of the apocalypse well.

    The original reason for a solar eclipse to occur is that the moon just blocks the sun's rays during a specific period of time, which leads to the wonders that humans can observe on the earth. All time should be calculated by the power of human beings. After all, humans have already set foot in space.

    However, because this meteorite, the source of doom, has an extremely strong magnetic force and a dark substance, which completely absorbs all light sources, making it impossible for humans to observe its arrival in advance, causing the moon's orbital time to be disordered, and it will occur for nearly a long time. A one-day total solar eclipse.

    When this strange meteorite blocked one of the Big Dipper stars, the astronomers responded and issued an early warning, indicating that the moon was affected by the meteorite's gravity, which would make this solar eclipse happen at the wrong time. Even because of gravitational problems, high tides and earthquakes will be uninterrupted, and even cause many chain reactions.

    This thing is very unscientific, but it happened like this. After all, the universe is so big and endless, and human beings are only a drop in the ocean. If the Milky Way is counted in one day, human civilization does not even exist for less than half a millisecond, so how can we understand everything before human beings appeared?

    This meteorite inspired the ancient genes that were emitted from the melting iceberg, so the end of mankind has come.

    After receiving the news, after much consideration, Gu Chen finally responded to the eclipse in advance. Anyway, he did his best and obeyed the destiny.

    As a result, the group of people who originally thought that the Gu family was going crazy and talking nonsense were scared to death when they received the news from the planetarium, but the time was too urgent and there was no way to deal with it.

    In several big cities where Gu's family has warned, basically everyone has been ordered not to go out on the day of the solar eclipse, to close the door, not to go out without permission, and not to have contact with anyone, including family members, until the military controls it.

    The official statement is that the meteorite has a strange virus this time, which will cause a terrifying infectious disease, and everyone will be recruited, so if someone wakes up and behaves abnormally, don't approach it.

    The people are curious about the century-old wonder, but the official has issued such a strange warning more than a month ago, and it has also been carefully emphasized that the solar eclipse was mentioned a month ago as prophesied, so there are only a few people who run to death and go outside to see the astronomical wonders.

    In the cities that did not receive the warning, everyone went out with friends and family, including all the countries in the northern hemisphere. This is basically the case. Even in those countries on the other side of the world, many people gathered outside.

    So, the tragedy that the system overthrew just happened.

    From the very beginning, a large group of people suddenly fell into a coma, as if only human beings had pressed the pause button, but the cars and locomotives continued to go straight. In this way, countless traffic accidents occurred, resulting in heavy casualties.

    Then again, it's purgatory.

    However, fortunately, there are several cities that are different, that is, the sphere of influence controlled by the Gu family has reached the point of prohibition.

    Even due to the advance training, everyone in the Gu family has passed the first wave of evolution, and even up to 50% of them have directly become first-order power users.

    The same is true of the military forces that take care of the family, so the matter is very simple, and it is directly to send the first echelon troops that have awakened in advance to the city to advocate, clean up, and save all the people.

    The military's strength is strong. Under the pre-prepared situation, the chaos was quickly brought under control before it had arisen, and the emergency measures had been arranged in just three days.

    Although some people's family members have been transformed, but with the assistance of the military, they can only endure the pain and obey the command to bury the bodies of their loved ones.

    And the cities controlled by the families who didn't trust the Gu family's warnings were like disasters reappearing, and chaos broke out in the first place.

    This has led to the so-called refugee tide. After all, the Internet is so developed that it is completely possible to surf the Internet before the network is disconnected. Therefore, the safe cities can still be found at the first time when the disaster strikes.

    So everyone who could run ran away, leaving only the purgatory on earth.

    To put it simply, the Gu family immediately established the base predicted by Xiao Xiao, nearly half a year earlier than predicted, and even maintained order and control, forming a perfect line of defense.

    But beyond the line of defense, it was still horrific and devastated, and it was nothing more than bleeding.

    But there is a difference. All the survivors know that there is a piece of heaven, which still exists in the human world, so there is no complete moral corruption like the systematic derivation, and hope still exists in the human world.

    Except for a very small number of criminals who took advantage of the situation to loot, make a fortune in war, and even set themselves up as kings.

    Of course, there may be some people who are to blame, but there is no time to hold them accountable now.

    After stabilizing the situation within the defense line, dispatching rescue teams with various cities as radiating points was the first order of the Gu family.

    They have to rush for time, taking advantage of the fact that the animals have about two weeks to complete the mutation, some early and some late, but time does not wait for people, and if they are dispatched earlier, more people can be rescued.

    And what about Xiao Xiao? Since K City also escaped the disaster under the arrangement of the Gu family, it doesn't matter if anyone will come to Xiao Xiao's defense base. Anyway, Xiao Xiao has already arranged some gifts for the intruders, which are black technology from the system.

    So, she felt relieved to go out and wave!

    According to the system's instructions, it has found a strange element, the kind that is attached to the meteorite, but it was volatilized in the air after burning through the atmosphere, and it will gradually precipitate after a period of time.

    '……precipitation? Whose precipitation is deposited in mutant animals and dead bodies? 'Xiao Xiao roared inwardly with some collapse.

    'So you only calculated that it would appear, but you didn't figure out the reason, the feeling is because it hasn't landed on the earth at all? Then how do you count! '

    'This... According to human methods, there is no way to explain it, but you have mental power, so you should be able to understand a little. ' system said.

    'The universe has three-dimensional space, which is the X, Y, and Z axes of human beings. The fourth dimension is time, which human beings cannot control, but our main civilization lives in the fourth dimension, so time can be included in the calculation. '

    'In other words, I fell from four dimensions to three dimensions, but we don't have the so-called up and down, left and right, there is only a line of place and time. You know, under mental vision, there is no such thing as space. '

    'The stuff attached to this meteorite is material in a four-dimensional plane, so I can go back to the correct dimension through them. '

    The system gave an explanation, although Xiao Xiao didn't understand it, Ben Qiang could understand what it meant.

    'In other words, I have to go out and fight zombies, right? And all kinds of mutant animals?' Xiao Xiao rolled her eyes helplessly.

    'For now, yes, but there is also good news, you have successfully reduced the number of zombies by about 30%, so the target remains 70%.' The system is still a cold answer, human life is really just a number in its operands.

    'Seventy percent?' Xiao Xiao is very dissatisfied with this number, hasn't she already warned? What the hell is Gu Chen doing?

    'First of all, Gu Chen has no way to win the trust of foreign countries, so the scope of the warning is limited to domestic. 'System explanation: 'Besides, due to the close relationship, the opposing regime of the Gu family did not believe the warning of the Gu family, or even conspiracy theories, and did some opposite actions. '

    'Therefore, only the Gu family successfully established a defense line, and the memory outside the defense line is still the same as the memory implanted to you. The only difference is that as long as people who have the ability want to come to this earthly paradise inside the defense line. '

    'So, I wasted so much energy and only saved 30% of adults?' Xiao Xiao felt that a large bucket of cold water was poured, and her heart was cold.

    'Not only, you saved about 70%!' Xiao Xiao didn't understand the operation method of the system.

    'Currently, 30% of the people have not become zombies, but 15% of the 30% will be available combat power. They will gradually eliminate zombies, and even in the half of the field outside the defense line, there should be no time for even the zombie king to spawn. will recover. '

    '30% is directly saved by you, and the other 40% is saved indirectly, that is to say, the whole country can be recovered within two years if there is no accident.' The system said it was already a big change.

    'So there are 30% of people that I can't save...' Xiao Xiao is not happy, she is not a system, human life is definitely not a number, a full 30% of people are doomed from the beginning, how cruel!

    'You should be happy, according to the human saying, there are four or nine in the sky, leaving a ray of life, and one of them escapes. You are the one!' The system is puzzled by the thought that Xiao Xiao is not excited.

    'You have saved so many people, why is your mental power so depressed? '

    'Hehe! ' When Xiao Xiao heard this, she understood again that the system is not a human after all, and there will be no sense of things hurting it.

    'That's human life, not a number... Maybe one day, you will understand when you have the same kind. '

    'There won't be that day, the system can't replicate, I'm the only one.' The answer given by the system made Xiao Xiao silent for a while before answering.

    'Okay, let's not talk about that. Let's go, at least killing the zombies is also saving people, just treat me as atonement for the three adults! 'Xiao Xiao left City Y the day after the apocalypse. At this time, Gu Chen didn't know that Xiao Xiao had run away and was busy dealing with follow-up events. Not in the tortoise shell, I don't know where the waves went.

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Популярні дописи з цього блогу

Chapter 1. Doomsday (Revision)

Chapter 2. Prologue

Chapter 3. Free