Chapter 13

    The daughter of Zhenbao Pavilion, Fu Yunxiu, felt quite uneasy in recent days, sitting in front of the window staring at a peony plant in a daze.

    The maid He Xiang couldn't help being worried when she saw this, the young lady's complexion has gotten worse these days, she always frowns, looking very uncomfortable.

    She don't know if it's because she is in a bad mood, or her health is getting worse, or both.

    Just at this time, Miss Fei, the daughter of the tea shop, came with Miss Zhuangwang of silk and satin.

    He Xiang happily welcomed them in.

    "Sister Fu, I haven't seen you for a while, how is your health?"

    Fu Yunxiu smiled, "It's much better."

    Fei Chuyu sat beside her, put his arms around her shoulders, and said angrily, "What's the matter, why are you still being polite to me?"

    Seeing that Fu Yunxiu was about to say something, she stretched out her index finger and tapped her lips.

    "Shh, I'm going to take you to a good place today, let's go for a walk!"

    Fu Yunxiu smiled helplessly and was pulled up by her, and followed her into the carriage.

    "Where are you taking me?" Fu Yunxiu asked in the carriage.

    "Take you to the place where Wang Pingting met her marriage." Fei Chuyu winked at her and smiled slyly.

    Wang Pingting, who was the first woman from Lin Zhao to release the lottery, knew that she was teasing her, so she jumped up and laughed with them.

    "This temple is very spiritual, Yunxiu, come and pay your respects more often, maybe your health will recover soon."

    After entering the temple, Wang Pingting led the two into the Hall of Heavenly Kings.

    As soon as she stepped through the door, Fu Yunxiu could smell the faint fragrance of flowers. Looking around, she found clay pots of light lotus placed on both sides. The lotus leaves were green and the petals were delicate.

    Even in the daytime, there were candles burning in the temple, and the four heavenly kings on both sides guarded her, Fu Yunxiu's restless mind suddenly calmed down.

    Not only her, but she found that everyone else was like this.

    With pious tranquility in mind, Fu Yunxiu knelt down on the soft and thick futon, and closed her eyes under the gaze of the smiling Maitreya Buddha statue.

    Think back to what happened five days ago.

    That day, as usual, the apprentices of Xiang'an Hall stayed to chat with her after taking her pulse.

    This apprentice was named Liu Hanwen, who was originally a child student, but later he realized that he had no talent for reading, so he became a doctor.

    He felt sorry for the death of Fu Yunxiu's parents, she was too young to show her face, and because of her frailty, she suffered from congenital insufficiency, often sweating profusely and panting when she moved a little.

    During a Lantern Festival, he was called by a master to deliver medicine to Fu Yunxiu. After being stopped by Fu Yunxiu and asked "Is it lively outside?", he often told her about the scenery he saw outside, the interesting people and things he met.

    He also often told her travel notes and adventure stories. Fu Yunxiu was very yearning for the outside world and was often fascinated by them.

    Since the two dynasties, the social atmosphere has been open, and there are no restrictions on the exchanges between men and women, so young men and women will not be criticized when they get along alone.

    It was the same that day.

    Unexpectedly, the righteous brother Pei Wende who was dealing with business outside came back at this time.

    He has always disliked Liu Hanwen very much, often saying that Liu Hanwen is not worth being with her.

    He also once said that "Liu Hanwen's purpose is not pure", "There is nothing worthy of praise in him", "Scholars can't pass the exam, so they went to study medicine", and they are full of disdain inside and outside.

    He also tried his best to persuade Fu Yunxiu that he was worried about her association with this kind of person. If Liu Hanwen was an ambitious person, he would definitely approve of their association, but he felt that Liu Hanwen was not.

    He also said that Fu's father and Fu's mother would entrust her to him, and they would definitely take good care of her and take good care of her.

    Fu Yunxiu trusted her righteous brother who always cared for her, but she also felt that Liu Hanwen was not that kind of person, it was just a misunderstanding by her righteous brother.

    He often said good things about Liu Hanwen in front of him, but Pei Wende was noncommittal.

    That day, for some reason, the brother-in-law who had always been kind and polite in front of outsiders suddenly spoke ill of Liu Hanwen.

    It was even said that he deliberately approached Fu Yunxiu in an attempt to deceive Fu Yunxiu and seize the family property.

    Fu Yunxiu was startled and angry. She didn't know which villain her righteous brother believed and said such hurtful words.

    Liu Hanwen also doesn't like Fu Yunxiu's brother-in-law. At that time, when he heard him say this about himself, he even involved his father, saying that "the son is not the fault of the father", and mentioned that Liu Hanwen's father was exiled, saying that Liu Hanwen's mother and separation are useless, Liu Hanwen The same blood as his criminal father flowed in his bones.

    Liu Hanwen couldn't bear it anymore, he rushed up to beat Pei Wende, pinned him down and beat him hard, and didn't stop until Fu Yunxiu screamed and shouted again and again.

    At this moment, Pei Wende wiped off the blood on his face, and said to Fu Yunxiu, "Look, he is such a villain who can only be violent, and he is not worth dealing with at all." The person who meant what he said, but also felt that his behavior today was too impulsive, so he blurted it out somehow, and said that hurtful sentence.

    "Can you stop being so arrogant?"

    As soon as this sentence came out, it fell into the ears of others, which was equivalent to approving Pei Wende's "villain" words.

    Liu Hanwen's back froze in place at that moment, and after a long time, he slumped his shoulders and walked out the door, saying "I will never come again" before leaving.

    Fu Yunxiu didn't know why she said those words out of nowhere, as if she was bewitched, as if she was standing on the side of her brother-in-law to attack Liu Hanwen and drive him away.

    Thinking of this, she let out a long sigh.

    Buddha, if you are really alive, please help me resolve this worry in my heart.

    After she kowtowed three times devoutly, she held up the begging cylinder and shook it.

    ——Under the sign.

    Fu Yunxiu's face turned pale, Fei Chuyu and Wang Pingting saw her and came over to comfort her, and took her to Lin Zhaona to undo the lottery.

    "There is a turmoil in the water, and the lonely boat has to cross the river, but it is clumsy to hide in a clever way, and the personnel and affairs turn around." ①

    "What do you mean?"

    "It means that there will be turmoil around the girl recently, and it is quite difficult to avoid."

    "Abbot, Is there a solution?" Fu Yunxiu's complexion changed drastically, and she asked eagerly.

    Lin Zhao, who dutifully read the signed document according to the manual, froze and was considering how to speak.

    Wang Pingting next to her anxiously said directly: "Abbot, why don't you let Yunxiu live in the temple for a while to avoid disaster!

    " I'm afraid that something will happen to Fu Yunxiu.

    Fei Chuyu smiled and pulled her back to comfort the two of them.

    "It hasn't happened yet, so what are you afraid of? It's okay to stay for a while, just treat it as a meditation in the temple, and we will accompany you."

    So he asked the servant girl to go down the mountain to pack his clothes, and stayed in the temple that day down.

    More than ten days later, a sad news came from the Fu family.

    Pei Wende was accused of rape and put in jail!

    Fu Yunxiu almost fainted immediately after hearing the news.

    The reason for this is that she was fed and nourished very well in the temple these days, and was often dragged around by the two sisters Wang and Fei. Compared with before, her body is already much better.

    She had taken medicine since she was a child, and because of a congenital deficiency, she would be panting after walking a few more steps, and her body would have such a healthy day!

    Hearing that her brother-in-law was in prison, she hurried down the mountain.

    Came to the county government office to find out that the person who accused the righteous brother was none other than Jiang Hanwen!

    Fu Yunxiu was shocked, but what Jiang Hanwen said next stirred up even more turmoil.

    "I came across him plotting to murder the daughter of the Treasure Pavilion, and when the other party found out, he wanted to silence him!"

    Liu Hanwen stood in the hall, speaking every word as firmly as nails.

    Fu Yunxiu couldn't believe it, how could her brother-in-law, who had always loved her, do such a thing!

    "Is there any evidence?" Tang Shangxian asked.

    "There is evidence. I went to gather medicine that day, and I ran into him conspiring with a bandit in the dense forest on the hillside. At that time, there was a monk passing by."

    "Is that monk here?"

    "Yes, it is under the hall."

    "Pass it up."

    A monk who described it as shabby came to the front of the hall. He had a messy beard that covered half of his face, and short messy hair on his head, and his blue monk robe was a little black because of dust and stains.

    "Monk, is what Liu Hanwen said just now true?"

    "My lord, it is indeed true. The poor monk is leading his hair to practice, traveling around, and that day happened to be resting in a tree behind the hill."

    "Do you have a certificate and a road on you Citation certificate?"

    "Yes." The sleazy monk took out two pieces of paper from his pocket, and the master handed them over.

    "Well, there is indeed a proof that you came to Fucheng three days ago, which shows that you did just pass by by chance. And the temple you are attached to on the certificate is in the north, which shows that you and Liu Hanwen have never met before, and there is absolutely no possibility of collusion. "

    My lord, I still have another witness!" Liu Hanwen said again.

    "Oh? Bring it up."

    A big man was brought up by Wuhuada.

    "My lord, this is the murderer that Pei Wende bought for one hundred taels of silver. He sneaked into my house in the middle of the night that day, trying to kill someone, but fortunately, Master Changmao helped him!"

    "Oh? In the middle of the night, the monk so happens to be at your house?"

    "That's right, my lord, that day Master Changmao and I were discovered by Pei Wende and the bandit on the hillside. The bandit wanted to kill us, and it was Master Changmao who led us I escaped. Master Changmao has no fixed place, thinking of saving his life, I let him stay in my house temporarily."

    "Hmm..." The county magistrate pondered for a while.

    "If your lord doesn't believe it, you can ask your neighbors to testify. Besides, the murderer is a bandit subordinate. Your lord can torture him severely and ask the truth."

    "If your lord still suspects that I hired myself to direct and act the murderer. You can go to Fu House inspection. There is a pot of Shu poppy in the Fu family's daughter's house. The fragrance of the flower itself is non-toxic, but the Fu family has been drinking ginseng nourishing soup for many years, and the conflict between the two will make the body weaker and weaker!"

    "Say it I'm ashamed, I studied medicine, but I couldn't recognize the flowers and plants, and I only knew the truth when I heard this bitch Pei Wende say it himself in the dense forest!" Fu Yunxiu was shocked when she heard this!

    That pot of Shu poppy grass is beautiful and delicate, and my brother-in-law brought it back when he went to do business in southern Fujian, saying it was a gift for her.

    It turned out that it was so!

    "Why!" Fu Yunxiu coaxed her eyes, and forced to ask Pei Wende who had been beaten thirty times.

    Seeing that the matter had been revealed, Pei Wende laughed out loud.

    "Why?" He sneered, "That's because I don't want Zhenbao Pavilion to fall into the hands of useless people like you!"

    Fu Yunxiu's face turned pale.

    Seeing Liu Hanwen, although he couldn't bear it, he still stepped forward to scold and tell the truth.

    "Up to now, Pei Wende, do you still want to keep it a secret!?"


Популярні дописи з цього блогу

Chapter 1. Doomsday (Revision)

Chapter 2. Prologue

Chapter 3. Free