Chapter 58. Follow-up

    Yan Wei let out a sigh of relief after waiting for Xiao Xiao to leave. She just couldn't speak at all after she asked, and could only watch Xiao Xiao leave. She didn't know why, but after the two of them finished talking, there was always something wrong. The chills surrounded her, and there was an illusion that the god of death was watching her.

    This is because Xiao Xiao didn't plan to fight for the blood crystals, so they were at peace with each other.

    You know, Sun Jun is a corpse now! Sympathy has been reduced by more than half, and likes and dislikes are the criteria for its actions now.

    "Who is she! Do you think her father is Li Gang? Still so arrogant!"

    Yan Wei complained a little, then stared at Sun Jun and asked him, "Why don't you talk? Don't you know each other?"

    However, Sun Jun ignored her at all, just still staring at the place where Xiao Xiao left, thinking about the last sentence.

    'Move from here to City D, as long as you go fast enough to see my friend's car, you will meet your daughters, good luck! '

    Yan Wei was quite dissatisfied with Sun Jun's behavior of ignoring her, and planned to give him a hard note after returning to the base.

    Anyway, Sun Jun took another blame without knowing it, but even if he knew, Sun Jun probably wouldn't care!

    But at this moment, Yan Wei suddenly relised something, she can't figure out who she just met?

    'No, wait, she? He? Or is '

    Yan Wei was horrified to find that she had no impression of Xiao Xiao at all, and even only remembered that a vague figure existed, what kind of existence was she talking to just now?

    In a word, Yan Wei felt a chill in her heart, but at the moment she saw Sun Jun suddenly felt a little fortunate. At least Sun Jun's strong support was still there, so she was not so afraid.

    But after Xiao Xiao left, the two did not talk again. Obviously, the atmosphere between the two was no longer as harmonious as before, but Yan Wei didn't dare to make Sun Jun angry. He was her life-saving straw!

    After more than half a day, Sun Jun and Yan Wei finally extracted the crystals from the monster's blood with instruments.

    At this time, Yan Wei quickly took away the remaining body of the monster and all the blood crystals, and wanted to leave this place.

    Yan Wei was trying to pull Sun Jun away from this creepy laboratory, but Sun Jun still seemed to ignore her.

    No matter what she was urging and asking, Sun Jun didn't care at all, because he was thinking about the twins, so he just walked out. Yan Wei was so angry that she couldn't speak, so she could only follow step by step Sun Jun.

    When people went to the empty laboratory, there was only a slight smell of blood left in the air, telling of the tragedy that had happened here.

    On the other hand, Xiao Xiao not long after leaving the laboratory, while climbing the elevator shaft, desperately poked at the system, asking where the storage space it said last time went?

    'You haven't asked for it, I thought you didn't need it, but you've been in a hurry to take the crystal nucleus recently! '

    Xiao Xiao has been missing the feeling of being a human since she used that knight, so she has been more and more diligent in absorbing crystal cores recently.

    But that doesn't mean she doesn't want to have storage space, it can't be mixed up like this, but if the system doesn't create a space today, she can't stop with it!

    Xiao Xiao was also quite unexpected about meeting Yan Wei and Sun Jun this time.

    At the same time, Xiao Xiao is also very curious, why did Sun Jun evolve to the fifth rank in such a short period of time?

    But just now, because of Yan Wei's presence, the two of them are not friends in general, so it is not easy to ask directly. If the two are more familiar with each other in the future, she will ask.

    Anyway, she had already explained to Sun Jun just now that the twins were on their way to City D. If Sun Jun and the twins met, they could also contact each other directly through Xiao Yan, so she quickly forgot about it.

    At this time, the system finally took out the space she wanted!

    It was a silver-white pendant with a mysterious pattern on it, and the middle seemed to be the magic crystal of the unicorn, or the mutant wild boar.

    The system said that this space had been completed long ago, but soon after it was completed, it happened to collect the shard of the dead stone. After finishing the weapon, it completely forgot about it. Anyway, Xiao Xiao didn't mention it, so it just happened.

    Xiao Xiao doesn't care what the system says, anyway, she is quite fond of holding this pendant now.

    'System, how to use this space?' Xiao Xiao first asks how to use it, otherwise she will feel distressed if it is accidentally damaged.

    After all, this is the first time she has hit the magic core. Although she now has the fourth and fifth-level magic core due to the previous monsters, the meaning is still different.

    'It's the same, just put the mental power into it, but because it is a third-level magic core, the material is limited to only the size of a fist.'

    Xiao Xiao tried to stretch her mental power into it, and sure enough, she saw a very small space.

    'The usage period is about ten years on Earth, to be precise, 3,500 days. After ten years, the contents will fall out and the space will be destroyed. For convenience, the time limit has been marked on it. It doesn't do much for you. '

    Although the system disliked Xiao Xiao's appearance of using the pendant as a treasure, it still explained in detail how to use it.

    Xiao Xiao listened to the introduction of the system, and sure enough, there is a small number behind the pendant, which now shows 3499.23.59.

    'It's good to have it, but the production cost is so high at present, is there any way to mass-produce it? '

    She didn't forget that she planned to make it in batches for human use, so she was more concerned about mass production.

    'No, the number of Tier 3 monsters will be more frequent after a while. If you want, you can make a few more. However, the ugly words are in front, this kind of space method takes time, and each production is separate. , it's not possible to do both at the same time, so batching is not feasible. '

    The system does not have the ability to manufacture multiple functions. Whether it is the last spear or the pendant this time, it is all made by the system alone.

    'That's it...' Xiao Xiao was quite disappointed, it seemed that the method of handing this thing over to the base would not work.

    Although the herd of mutant beasts has gradually spread, the base still relies mainly on the defense line. Within the defense line, thanks to the information she provides, the mutant beasts have already been controlled before they start to spread. Outside the defense line is the world of zombies and mutant beasts, in any case, humans cannot move freely outside the base.

    Don't think that Xiao Xiao is facing high-level mutant monsters, you must know that different strengths see different things, not to mention that Xiao Xiao originally found these monsters to kill.

    In fact, what humans are facing now is at most the third-type zombies with only one or two tiers of abilities, as well as a large number of first-tier and a few second-tier mutant beasts.

    Xiao Xiao has been running around outside the defense line since the beginning of the end of the world, whether it is from City D via Sunset Valley to City Z, or after returning to City D, from District Y and District X from District D, she It's not too much trouble to start cleaning up from the low-level zombies.

    Moreover, when she returned from City Z to City D, she also talked to Gu Chen once, but at that time, she still thought that capable people would work harder, and that cleaning up a little bit counts.

    But in the next few times, Xiao Xiao encountered a lot of mutant monsters before she understood what she should do.

    The system was right at the beginning. What Xiao Xiao has to deal with is those monsters that only she can hunt at this stage, not to eliminate these zombies along the way.

    After all, how could she kill all the zombies alone!

    Even if there is no accident, the Gu family who received her information should be able to develop the purification potions and special weapons in that memory as soon as possible.

    Presumably, with the results, it is much simpler to reverse the process than to create something out of nothing.

    When these two things come out, the low-level zombies will be wiped out.

    And like the third-tier pseudo-unicorn at the beginning, to the later three-headed dog of hell, the corpse king with the appearance of a demon, and even the kobold and the dragon that failed to mutate, it is far beyond the existence of human beings at this stage.

    Only Xiao Xiao, because of the body after the system transformation, and the special spear made from the fragments of the bizarre element, can easily fight against these monsters.

    Don't look at how easy she is it to kill, if they appear in front of humans, they will all be disasters of the world.

    This also made her make up her mind, not to sacrifice the basics to kill such ordinary zombies, what she should do is to hunt down high-level monsters and recover strange elements!

    This is why she just took out her spear and bravely broke into the underground laboratory.

    Now after leaving the underground laboratory, she rushed back to the small base of the mercenary before. Anyway, two of the three have been destroyed, and she has other plans for the remaining one.

    Among the three laboratories near the X area, one of the laboratories turned out to be scum and scum and became a purgatory. Xiao Xiao has already shot and killed it.

    The other laboratory had a mutated biochemical monster, which was killed by Sun Jun and Yan Wei who arrived later, and the body was taken away.

    She still doesn't know what the rest of the laboratory is, apart from biochemical humans, what else are they researching!

    So Xiao Xiao decided to get in touch. If there is no possibility of monsters appearing, she will leave it alone. After all, she still has a long way to go and there is no time to delay.

    So a day later, Xiao Xiao returned to this small base.

    Like last time, she had already stopped in the distance and used her mental power to look inside in advance.

    Because something seemed to happen to the small base at this time, there were many people arguing in a large square in the center of the base.

    Xiao Xiao finally understood what happened through the observation of mental power.

    This group of people is roughly divided into three camps.

    One of them, the head of the yellow-haired youth, said, "What's going on now? It was said that the three directions should be independent and not compete with each other! We did it, but you crossed the line?"

    "The three directions were agreed, but you didn't say there are still several department stores in that direction! You have been eating alone for so long, you should let everyone drink soup, right?" This is a middle-aged uncle with neat short hair, obviously, he is eyeing the yellow-haired youth block area.

    "How many department stores are there? Don't you forget that when the apocalypse came, it was an anniversary celebration! It was you who thought that there were too many zombies and it was difficult to take down, so you threw them to us! As a result, we paid so much effort to clean it up. It's over, but now you are planning to get a piece of the pie?" This is the man next to the yellow-haired youth with red hair, and it can be seen that this group of people are teenagers who love to kill.

    "Tsk, young man, you can't say that! Judging from the area we have been allocated, there are fewer zombies, but the same thing, there are also fewer supplies! There are so many of us, it's not enough!" Uncle Nian took the words again, quite rogue.

    "Okay, alright, both of you should say a few words less. Now everyone understands the situation. There are fewer zombies on Lao Zhang's side. Exhausted, Xiaozhao Xiaohan, please understand, anyway, you can't handle such a big place with manpower, why don't you let one piece out, and at the same time, Lao Zhang, you will also give some of the things you found to Xiao Zhao and the others. What do you think?"

    This time, another group of people intervened.

    "After we said it before, how many people were injured before we cleared an area? Now we have to share the results of our hard work? You..." The red-haired young man, no, it should be said that Han Liming said this, Zhao Xu, who was yellow-haired, was held back.

    Zhao Xu can see very clearly that in today's situation, he has to pay even if he doesn't want to, otherwise this matter will never end so easily.

    Han Liming was still quite indignant, but after being pulled by Zhao Xu, he also understood that there is no way to develop it like this. Who made them the last to enter this small base?

    Both of them are power users. As mentioned earlier, in this small base, the mercenaries specially brought in a group of survivors in order to check and balance those biochemical people. As a result, the situation has changed drastically, and the entire base is clearly divided into three waves.

    The first wave of biochemical human troops headed by the dean of the laboratory, because they did not have so much demand for materials, so they did not have special requirements when searching in different regions at the beginning.

    The first wave is from the mercenary side, all of them are old fritters. He saw that there are few zombies in one of the districts, and it can be taken down without much effort, but he didn’t expect that the material inventory inside is also small, so they are running out now to plan intimidate the new group of survivors.

    The last wave was a group of people like Zhao Xu. They were all college students and survivors of nearby schools. Since there were the fewest number of ability users, the most troublesome places in the three divisions came to them.

    Helpless, no matter how many corpses, we have to fight, otherwise, where will the food came? Not to mention that there are many ordinary people among them, who have a greater demand for food!

    Of course, not all the foreign survivors belonged to Zhao Xu. After some people joined the base, they went to the other two waves by themselves, so there is not much difference between the numbers of the three parties.

    Anyway, for the sake of food, they planned for a long time, and finally got injured and built a base area. As a result, the mercenary Lao Zhang jumped out and asked for a piece of cake!

    But this is the end of the matter, and when the situation is stronger than people, they have no right to say no.

    "Okay! President Lin, I hope you can be the master. We will give them half of the places we haven't cleaned up, but it's better to take our share!"

    Zhao Xu knew that in this case, he must do it. It is useless to have opinions, it is better to follow their wishes. If you are kicked out for this momentary anger, it will be more than the loss!


Популярні дописи з цього блогу

Chapter 1. Doomsday (Revision)

Chapter 2. Prologue

Chapter 3. Free