Chapter 68. Rebirth

    What Xiao Xiao didn't know was that when she took Maotu out of the space from the high metal wall again, someone received the signal.


    When Gu Chen was studying the progress of the recent defense lines in various places, he suddenly received an unexpected signal. He found that on the electronic map, the twelfth modified car of the first generation appeared out of thin air in front of the first line of defense. It was inside!

    "This is..."

    Seeing this signal representing a special meaning, Gu Chen was instantly overwhelmed by the sudden thoughts.

    'Xiao Xiao...'

    Memories flooded up like a flood, making Gu Chen recall all kinds of things that happened half a year ago.

    Where did it all start?

    It seems that he found out about Xiao Xiao after investigating several bizarre deaths in prison.

    When Xiao Xiao was released from prison, Gu Chen had been watching the sentry, thinking that she would take revenge on those who harmed her, because he did not think that those strange deaths were just accidental.

    Unfortunately, Xiao Xiao at that time had already accepted the nightmare woven by the system for her, so she changed her behavior, which also allowed Gu Chen to gradually let go of his guard against Xiao Xiao.

    More than a month after Xiao Xiao was released from prison, several strange news brought Gu Chen's attention to Xiao Xiao again. After this investigation, all kinds of things were found that were not right, and then there was that interview.

    However, from the beginning of the two's acquaintance, Xiao Xiao's whole body exuded how much she resisted him, which made Gu Chen feel very strange.

    At first, Gu Chen thought it was because he offended her when they met in the interrogation room for the first time, that Xiao Xiao hated him this way.

    It wasn't until the two were open and honest, and after he knew about Xiao Xiao's so-called precognitive dream, that Gu Chen figured out the origin of Xiao Xiao's dislike of him.

    Gu Chen understands his own personality. If he has to choose between big love and small love, he will definitely put the big picture first and sacrifice himself for the country. The Gu family's elite education has shaped him like this since he was a child.

    Don't you see, even if he wanted to leave home for a while, did Gu Chen finally choose the profession of people's nanny for the people and the country?

    For Xiao Xiao, Gu Chen felt sorry for her from the bottom of his heart—whether it was now, or in that dream.

    Gu Chen couldn't help recalling Xiao Xiao's description of the precognitive dream...

    In the situation where the wolves were surrounded by wolves and were in danger, he was isolated and helpless for the stability of the base, and he would definitely use himself as a pawn in the game and sacrifice his life to feed the eagle.

    He will not hesitate to use himself as a bargaining chip, constantly forcing the leadership in the base to release more power to him, in order to grasp the base faster, so as to arrange a better defensive front.

    Gu Chen knew that if he made such a decision, it would definitely hurt Xiao Xiao, who was very fond of him, and even loved him, and it would be the kind of deeply hurt and unforgivable.

    However, if he were asked to choose one more time about that situation, he would still choose it—because it was the quickest and most convenient way, and the only way to save the most people in the shortest time.

    It is said that a country is a country. Without a country, where would you come from?

    Xiao Xiao's avoidance attitude in the last days before the apocalypse shows how accurate Gu Chen's guess is.

    If it is said that Gu Chen in that dream is not Gu Chen, so he is not wrong, then it is not right, because pulling the situation to the present, it is the same.

    After this period of precipitation, Gu Chen also understood very well that his thoughts about Xiao Xiao were no longer so pure.

    But this time, he still chose the country... In the last encounter between the two half a year ago, he chose to stay and do his best for the defense line instead of leaving with Xiao Xiao regardless.

    Different from that dream, the relationship between the two is not so deep now, so he can make this choice without any burden. At least this time, he didn't hurt her.

    This is also the only thing he can do under the current catastrophe, just like the lyrics - "Do not disturb, it is my last tenderness."

    After the end of the world, Gu Chen devoted himself to rebuilding human civilization and advancing defense lines. Keep yourself busy and don't overthink.

    Even so, every time he dreamed back at midnight, he would inadvertently think of the person who made his heart lake no longer peaceful. Where is she now? How is she doing? Is it safe?

    But life still had to pass, and there were a lot of things that Gu Chen had to deal with every day, so Gu Chen could only bury this strange thought in his heart.

    Gu Chen's busy work in the past six months was not completely fruitless. With the data provided by Xiao Xiao, everything went very smoothly in reconstruction, whether it was the use of crystal cores, the abilities of zombies, or the entire human race. The reconstruction of social functions is all-inclusive.

    In fact, two months ago, the more radical military already had many main battle factions who wanted to take risks and directly advance the defense line, but Gu Chen single-handedly dragged this risky action to half a year after the present.

    Under the meticulous arrangements of Gu Chen and the Gu family, the current line of defense can be said to be impregnable. Even after abandoning the Yichou line of defense (the second line of defense) when necessary, the Jiazi line of defense (the first line of defense) can be safely withdrawn.

    Gu Chen received this unexpected surprise when he was arranging the promotion of the second stage.

    When his thoughts returned, Gu Chen saw the 'I-XXIX' sign that suddenly appeared on the electronic map. He understood that the person who disappeared for half a year has reappeared again!

    (Note: The preceding I stands for the first generation, and XXIX stands for the twelfth station, which is the code name of Maotu)

    'Xiao Xiao...'

    Gu Chen thought with a sigh, but he didn't respond to Xiao Xiao's return, she didn't arrange to meet him, and he didn't arrange for someone to contact him—all of these were meaningless to him.

    The most important thing he should do now is to continue to complete the march and formation. Now that the Yichou defense line is gradually stabilized, he must arrange for people to rebuild the recovered area. In addition, he must arrange for a lot of people to escort the work team.

    Unless the world is at peace again and the apocalypse ends, Gu Chen doesn't plan to let the tragedy in Xiao Xiao's dream repeat itself again.

    'Hopefully, it's still not too late. '

    Is it in time? It's really hard to say, but for Xiao Xiao now, Gu Chen's thoughts have nothing to do with her... She doesn't know that Gu Chen is thinking about her now.

    The problem Xiao Xiao is facing now is... where is the road?

    Cough! Don't get her wrong, it wasn't that Xiao Xiao got lost, but when she re-entered the first line of defense, she found that the scene inside was different from what she had imagined.

    This is mainly because in order to prevent fish from slipping through the net, human beings finally decided to abandon the previous roads, and re-used the ability users to create a 'channel' with special defense functions, going between towns and sending people and regular patrol, just in case.

    Abandoned roads will naturally be covered with mutated weeds.

    Weeds will also mutate, and in order to adapt to the environment, these weeds that have nothing to eat will eat all the asphalt that was originally paved on the road after they mutate - who makes this area without mutant animals?

    If there are mutant animals, they will naturally not develop into this. Under natural selection, their natural enemies will suppress their numbers below a certain number, just like outside the Jiazi line of defense.

    However, the Jiazi line of defense has been cleared. Apart from the mutant birds flying around, half of the mutant beasts that can eat grass no longer exist. Without the suppression of these mutant weeds, it is natural for them to overgrow.

    Therefore, what appeared in front of Xiao Xiao was not the intricate roads outside the first line of defense, but a green prairie.

    'Did I come to Africa? Madagascar?' Xiao Xiao couldn't help her own rant, and couldn't help but ask the system.

    The system is not as ignorant as Xiao Xiao, so it immediately explained to her the reason why it would develop like this.

    'So, no way, how do I go?' Xiao Xiao's sentence is not a question, but she is thinking about whether she will be found if she runs to borrow the road now.

    'Don't worry, there are no special settings for their road... If there is no accident, the civilization level of this area has almost recovered, and you can go back directly.' The system strongly indicated that Xiao Xiao's worries were not a problem at all, and there was no need to worry too much.

    'That's fine! By the way, the twins...'

    Xiao Xiao heard the system's reply, and decisively drove the car directly to the K city in her impression. Anyway, her sense of direction is quite accurate.

    As for the question she asked later, it was naturally about the status of the twins.

    'They can advance now, and after reaching the seventh rank, they can be similar to the seventh rank of the power user... Except for their relatively young age, do you want them to advance?'

    The system is quite interested in letting Sun Xiaoya and Sun Xiaojie advance. After all, this means that its initial wave of operations successfully promoted the emergence of new humans. This can be added to the record after it returns.

    'Is it alright?' Xiao Xiao thought for a while, raised her head and glanced at the rear-view mirror, and then asked the two children sitting in the back seat: "You can advance, do you want me to help you?"



    The two who were a little bored heard Xiao Xiao's question, looked at each other, and agreed in unison with joy.



    The reason they are so happy is because Xiao Xiao told them before that when they reach the seventh level, their sense of taste will recover. When they think of the delicious cakes and desserts in their memory, they felt very excited!

    Oh! Right! And the whole mountain of chocolate in Xiao Xiaos Space! They are looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally they are looking forward to the arrival of this day!

    Seeing that the two of them had no opinion, Xiao Xiao responded to the system.

    'Let them advance! What do I need to do?' Xiao Xiao asked curiously.

    'You wait...' After the system got Xiao Xiao's reply, it didn't know what it had done, and it took another five minutes before it made a sound again.

    'Here, give it to them! '

    This time, it was no longer the black-tech syringe when the twins were remodeled last time, but two round, blood-red small stones appeared in front of Xiao Xiao.

    'This is……? 'Xiao Xiao took it with her mental strength, and she probed curiously, but unfortunately she didn't know what it was.

    'The inspiration given by the laboratory last time, just let them both eat it.' The system didn't explain much. After all, Xiao Xiao probably wouldn't understand it, so she just asked Xiao Xiao to give it to the twins.

    "Come on, just eat this, one for each person!" Xiao Xiao directly used her mental power to move the two unknown things to the back seat, and let the two children eat one by themselves.

    'By the way, they're not going to sleep again, are they?' Xiao Xiao suddenly remembered this point and hurriedly asked the system.

    'Ofcourse they will!' On the contrary, the system wondered how Xiao Xiao would ask such a simple question.

    'And for your request, it will take about a month this time...' The system made Xiao Xiao turn her head immediately, trying to stop the two children from taking them.

    But after hearing Xiao Xiao's explanation, the two children swallowed the strange thing in a hurry, and they fell to one side and became unconscious.

    Seeing that it was too late to stop, Xiao Xiao could only sigh helplessly, turned around and continued driving, while asking the system for details.

    'What was my request?' Xiao Xiao felt strange, did she mention something? Why is she not impressed?

    'Don't you want the two little ones to be the same as the supernatural beings? These two pills will completely simulate their physique to be the same as that of humans, unless there is a danger to life, they will have super life characteristics...'

    Xiao Xiao thinks that according to the system, those two pills are really good. But she really didn't mention it, did she?

    'Did you read my mind while I was not looking?' Xiao Xiao didn't think for a long time to understand, and immediately caught the system secretly doing some evil things.

    '...that was an accident.' The system saw that the cover was stripped, and did not resist at all, and simply explained it to Xiao Xiao.

    'Your mental power is too powerful but too chaotic. When designing advanced training, you must analyze it in depth so that you can use it normally. This will read your thoughts to some extent... Rest assured, there will be no next time. '

    After destroying the flood dragon this time, in order to allow Xiao Xiao to perform advanced mental training, the system naturally had to analyze Xiao Xiao's mental power band before tailoring it. It accidentally saw Xiao Xiao's wishes for the two children, so secretly Prepared this surprise for her.

    Unfortunately, the idea is good, but the practice is wrong, so Xiao Xiao is very angry that her privacy is offended.

    '...I believe you justthis time!' Xiao Xiao understands the system's good intentions, but the feeling of being peeped again without her knowledge really makes her very unhappy.

    After Xiao Xiao finished condemning the system, she frowned and looked at the two girls who had fallen into a sweet dream, and helplessly rubbed her brows with hands, what is this called!

    The system naturally knew Xiao Xiao's worries, so it said comfortably: 'If someone asks, you can say that the two of them have eaten an unknown fruit and have been asleep for more than half a year, which can also pave the way for their advanced abilities in the future!'

    '...Well, that's all it can do. '

    What else can Xiao Xiao do? This whole statement has been prepared for her. It can be seen that it has been premeditated. Can she be a small host and say no?

    At the moment, Xiao Xiao can only think about how to arrange two children this month, while driving to her secret fortress.


Популярні дописи з цього блогу

Chapter 1. Doomsday (Revision)

Chapter 2. Prologue

Chapter 3. Free