Chapter 70. Reply

    Three days later.

    Xiao Xiao worked hard, and finally found the elusive Gu Chen.

    At this moment, Xiao Xiao has begun to have doubts about what the system said at the beginning. That so-called matching degree of 90%... is it true or false?

    When she didn't want to encounter him before, she would encounter him no matter what, she couldn't even shake it off, she couldn't avoid it, but now...

    Looking at the building in front of her, Xiao Xiao sighed helplessly.

    Please! She obviously sensed that Gu Chen was in K City, but she couldn't find it no matter how hard she looked. This situation is very abnormal!

    Xiao Xiao didn't know that the main reason for this happening, the biggest reason was that her mental power was already in a very limited state - this limitation not only refers to her energy degree, but also quality!

    The strength of her mental power was seriously insufficient, which caused her to be unable to contact the energy waves emitted by Gu Chen.

    As a vivid analogy, the magnetic properties of two magnets were originally strong enough, just like the north and south poles of the earth, which can induce ocean currents and even change the climate around the earth. Now, they suddenly become two small magnets, only at a small distance can they attract each other, and when the distance is elongated, the gravitational force between the two is covered by the waves caused by other things.

    It is impossible for the horses to run and not to graze. Due to the lack of energy, Xiao Xiao's mental strength cannot reach out, so the information that can be collected is naturally less.

    In addition to Xiao Xiao's limited mental strength, there is one more thing - Gu Chen is now a veritable busy person!

    To describe it aptly, the legendary three-passed house without entering is exactly what Gu Chen's current situation is in.

    And how busy is Gu Chen? Seriously speaking, his day's itinerary is roughly like this:

    When he wakes up during the day, Gu Chen must first compile the information and intelligence sent from various places during his sleep time last night to make sure that there is nothing wrong.

    After that, when he had breakfast, he had to explain the to-do items he had thought about before going to bed, so that the entire civilization machinery could be wound up.

    After breakfast, he ushered in what he had to do every day - a meeting!

    The content of the meeting is not fixed every day. Generally speaking, there are the following types, such as how much the defense line has advanced today, how many mutant beasts or zombies have encountered, what special circumstances have encountered, or the production line of a certain place has been restored to supply, and that area has been cleaned up etc.

    As soon as the meeting started, Gu Chen often opened from the middle of the day to the day when it was not over. Therefore, most of the people who participated in the meeting had lunch and dinner in the middle of the meeting.

    When Gu Chen has a fixed itinerary and has to go, the original meeting will not stop. In this emergency time, a single stroke will affect the whole body. As long as he stops for one day, he will lose more resources and manpower and material resources.

    And Gu Chen couldn't even enter the conference room, how could he have a meeting?

    That's right! Video conferencing! At these times, he will use the method of video conferencing.

    According to the information provided by Xiao Xiao, the research institute developed a communication device in a short period of time, and quickly restored the functions of several global satellites, so Gu Chen was also busy like a top when he was on the road, and sometimes he had to take while holding a meeting with the new screen developed by the research institute, he hurried to the next destination to inspect.

    Finally, when the moon shines in the sky and the night falls, the busy time of the day is finally over, and Gu Chen can finally rest well... No wonder!

    Night time is also the most critical time!

    The fish that slip through the net from the Jiazi defense line to the Yichou defense line will start to come out during this period, so he also has to control it online to avoid any accidents.

    It's not that Gu Chen doesn't want to let go of power and let the people below do these calculations, his move is forced by the situation.

    Before, he had asked a few psychic powers to preside over this project, but some of them lacked grasp of the situation, and some had misunderstood the strength of the monster. For various reasons, many teams were buried and suffered heavy losses.

    Therefore, Gu Chen had to personally go into battle to strictly check to prevent these things from happening.

    You must know how rare it is to have a high-level ability user with handsome and general talents!

    Among the people with high power levels, most of them do not have the ability to command, but those with strong leadership ability just happen to be unable to reach the level of power ─ such as those generals who were handsome and talented before the end of the world, they are getting olde.r When the dark wounds in the past recur, it is even more difficult to survive the mutation.

    Tragedy is easy to happen if you can't judge the enemy's rank in the first place and decide whether to send out nearby squads to snipe.

    For example, one can imagine what kind of tragedies will happen after a team composed of level-4 power users goes to besiege level-5 or even level-6 zombies or mutant beasts.

    If the commander's level is not enough, it is impossible to analyze the level of the enemy from a long distance and on a screen separated by a layer. As long as the enemy's strength cannot be immediately determined, it will be in vain no matter how much.

    As the saying goes, one chess difference means that the whole game is lost, not to mention the loss of many heroic warriors. This is a weight that human beings cannot bear at present!

    The reverse is also true.

    If the power level of the person behind the scenes is high enough, but he does not have the ability to command, he cannot serve as a military advisor!

    This kind of superpower can only be a military commander at most, and it is impossible for a civil servant--don't you see, how many brave people have died without a corpse in the past dynasties?

    For example, Lu Bu, Guan Yu and others, who clearly possessed unparalleled military power, could end up with hatred one by one under the arrangement of the hostile military advisors.

    In addition to the Three Kingdoms period, there are countless such cases in other dynasties, and it is very rare to have such talents with both civil and military skills and top-notch talents.

    In short, it is not impossible to cultivate a handsome talent like Gu Chen, but it takes time—but what is lacking the most right now is time!

    Half a year, this is the time limit calculated by Gu Chen. After this time, even the recovered area will have to be completely rebuilt, and the manpower and material resources will be several times the current amount.

    In order to grab time, a compromise method is now adopted-a high-level ability user is matched with a military general to act, and Gu Chen acts as a gatekeeper behind the scenes. Although it is a bit labor-intensive, this is no way out.

    Therefore, in addition to his original duties, Gu Chen added another layer, which naturally became a spinning top that couldn't stop.

    When Xiao Xiao found Gu Chen, it was a rare day when he didn't go to inspect, but even so, it was difficult for Xiao Xiao to see Gu Chen.

    When Xiao Xiao returned to K City, after inquiring from various sources, it was confirmed that Gu Chen was working in the building in front of her, and he searched for it.

    But just knowing where Gu Chen is useless...because Xiao Xiao can't get in at all now!

    Originally, she planned to repeat the same trick - use mental power to suggest or create hallucinations, and sneak in to find Gu Chen.

    However, this trick is now ineffective!

    There are two reasons for the failure. One is that now Gu Chen is a very important kind of human beings, and the people who stand guard for him must be 5th-level or above, who are from the army.

    Originally, level 5 was just a matter of waving in front of Xiao Xiao, but due to the second reason - Xiao Xiao has very little mental power to use now, so that what used to be an understatement can now be accomplished. Quite a sense of powerlessness.

    So after Xiao Xiao found someone, he was stuck at the whistle.


    Xiao Xiao sighed helplessly, why is it so difficult to repay?

    Um? In return for what?

    That's right, while Xiao Xiao is in trouble now, let's analyze what she thought first.

    After half a year of running around in the apocalypse, Xiao Xiao misses the days of peace more and more.

    Xiao Xiao is not an ungrateful white-eyed wolf. To be honest, at most, she is like an ordinary person who takes revenge and complains—perhaps with a heart of the Virgin?

    In the past six months, whenever it was quiet at night, the system would let Xiao Xiao rest, and this was the only time she could sneak in every day.

    At this time, Xiao Xiao will empty her mind, let herself get out of the intensive and high-intensity mental power training, and relax herself, so as not to break her tight strings.

    What Xiao Xiao didn't expect was that when she was free, she often couldn't help thinking of someone who made her very troubled. The dream, the reality, scene after scene, kept replaying and replaying in her mind, never stopping.

    In the dream, the first acquaintance between him and her, during the peaceful days when they were fighting each other's wits and courage, every time Gu Chen just caught a trace of Xiao Xiao's tricks, but he didn't understand Xiao Xiao's abilities, so he couldn't catch Xiao Xiao, let her escape every time.

    Later, when Gu Chen finally clarified Xiao Xiao's methods, had some thoughts on her movements, and was about to bring her to justice, the end of the world came unexpectedly.

    At this time, for some unknown reason, Gu Chen didn't want Xiao Xiao to struggle in the apocalypse alone, so he brought Xiao Xiao's minor trouble.

    In the dream, Xiao Xiao's reaction is also very intuitive. Anyway, after the love and killing of each other in the past six months, she does not reject this little sun that always radiates light and heat. When the doomsday comes, she will keep up with him.

    There are all kinds of things that follow, the love that lasted for seven years was born in secret, and the details of each time the two got along are vividly remembered, as if they were real.

    When Xiao Xiao recalled, every time she felt the details, she remembered Gu Chen's goodness, but at the same time, her fear of the system became more and more profound.

    How to say that sentence... By the way, just think about it!

    As time passed, Xiao Xiao's mental power gradually increased, but the stronger her ability, the more she was afraid of the system's ability.

    It's like a saying that a great man once said - the more you learn, the more you feel your ignorance.

    This kind of long-term calculation, and the accuracy rate is still so high, the system can do it, what kind of existence is the system?

    Regarding this point, Xiao Xiao is actually a little wrong. The calculation of the system is beyond the scope of Xiao Xiao's perception. Just like the theory of parallel worlds, there are infinite possibilities for every second and the next moment. What the system does is only calculates the most probable one and presents it to Xiao Xiao, it does not deduce the things to Xiao Xiao in great detail.

    Xiao Xiao didn't know how the system could have such supernatural abilities, so while the system was not online, she kind of wanted to see if Gu Chen's resourceful brain could make any calculations about the system.

    Although in the past six months, the system has been a little bit arrogant, and everything else that it has done is out of good intentions, but Xiao Xiao is not sure, is the system really pure, or is it hiding a knife in a smile?

    She don’t have enough brainpower, so find someone to come together—Xiao Xiao’s barren mind can’t deduce the main purpose of the system, and the system doesn’t know what to do lately. Due to all kinds of misunderstandings, Xiao Xiao wants to find someone to analyze for her.

    Of course, she's not that stupid, and she wouldn't tell the truth as soon as she finds Gu Chen. After all, the system is still her biggest trump card, and if she sells herself, she won't be able to play.

    At this time, she want to explain that the reason why Xiao Xiao has this kind of heart is mainly because she has lost her biggest reliance - mental power. She used to know everything around her very well, but now she has lost this kind of control caused by the gap.

    Don't forget, Xiao Xiao was just an airbag who was bullied by others at the very beginning. If she didn't have the mental power to arm herself, she wouldn't be able to live like a normal person at all.

    Like a chick complex, the protection that Gu Chen gave her was particularly obvious when she was vulnerable, and she was too stubborn to say that this was asking for help, so she had to call it a repayment.

    To be honest, in reality, Gu Chen also treats Xiao Xiao very well. Whether it is her so-called precognitive dream or the assistance she seeks from him, Gu Chen did not refuse, but satisfied her needs in every way possible, and assists her in fulfilling her ideas.

    In the end, what was exchanged was Xiao Xiao, an ostrich who lost half of her accurate information and fled.

    No matter what Gu Chen's purpose is to explain Xiao Xiao, it is an indelible fact that he helped her, so it is imperative for Xiao Xiao to find Gu Chen this time, whether it is for help or repayment.

    After not worrying for too long, Xiao Xiao finally decided that she couldn't come to the head office in the dark, right? She didn't have any ulterior motives anyway.

    " I'm sorry, no, no, it's a rule."

    Xiao Xiao didn't make too many demands, such as letting her go in to find Gu Chen immediately, but just asked her to help her get on the phone and ask Gu for instructions in the morning, but got a negative answer.

    "What's wrong?" Xiao Xiao asked the clerk at the front desk, the female power user who was one of the guards, in astonishment.

    "Miss, you have to understand that this is an extraordinary period. You have to know that Marshal Gu is now in a hurry. I can't rashly disturb him because of your words." Wang Kaili looked at Xiao Xiao apologetically and said.

    "Or, can you provide some identification? Or do you know anyone else you know? I'm guaranteed to make this call."

    Wang Kaili saw that Xiao Xiao seemed to be really in a hurry, so she gave another feasible solution. The plan, anyway, if she doesn't do it, she will not be wrong, and doing more will only cause trouble for herself.


    ID proof? Xiao Xiao really doesn't have this stuff. If you really think about it, she is probably a homeless persone now, right?

    She knew that after the end of the world, the census was done again within the Jiazi defense line, but at that time she was rushing outside the defense line. Who has time to stop and do that boring thing?

    As for the people she knows... Don't be kidding, she only knows one Gu Chen, the others... hehe.

    "I'm really Gu Chen's old friend... Just ask for me..." Xiao Xiao said more and more, and finally sighed, ready to give up this plan.

    The more such a moment is, the more she misses the convenience of mental power, something that can be solved by a hint, so there is no need to force it here.

    Seeing that Xiao Xiao could not provide proof, Wang Kaili could only look at Xiao Xiao with a helpless look, saying that she could not overstep her power and responsibilities.

    "Xiao Wang, what's the matter? I didn't tell you just now, I'm going right away..." Just when Xiao Xiao was about to give up this clear path and was about to find another way, a voice from the doors came over.

    This voice made Xiao Xiao feel quite familiar, and looked up slightly, oh! Coincidentally, Xiao Xiao met an acquaintance!

    "Huh? Are you... Miss Xiao?"

Next Chapter


Популярні дописи з цього блогу

Chapter 1. Doomsday (Revision)

Chapter 2. Prologue

Chapter 3. Free